In his book The Surnames of Ireland Edward MacLysaght (2) has the following entry for Carton (and none for Cartin etc.);
“Carton An English toponymic mainly found in Ulster. It is occasionally used as a synonym of MacCartan “
Toponymy or toponomastics is the study of place names so MacLysaght is saying that the surname derives in someway from a place. He could be right but not in the way he thought and certainly not the place he had in mind. MacLysaght has the following entries for related surnames;
Mac Cartan MacArtain (ultimately from the personal name Art). Of Kinelarty IF Map Down
MacCartney Mac Cartaine This Scottish name, cognate with the Irish MacCartan, is that of a branch of the clan MacKintosh which has been prominent in the north-east Ulster since the mid-seventeenth century. It has been used as a synonym of Mulhartagh (O’Maolfhatartaigh of Co Tyrone) and of MacCaugherty (which is a synonym of MacCafferty). MIF
Carleton A variant form of O’Carolan. It is seldom now of English origin in Ireland, though it occurs as such in mediaevel records
(O) Carlin, Carlan(d) these are forms of Carolan often used in Tyrone and neighbouring counties
(O) Carolan O Caireallain. Of Clondermot, Co Derry; also O Cearbhallain in south Ulster and Meath. Both these surnames are derived from obsolete personal names. IF Map Cavan-Meath and Derry-Tyrone
Mac Carthy Mac Carthaigh (carthach). The Chief family of the Eoghanacht and one of the leading septs of Munster, prominent on the history of Ireland from earliest times to the present. Mac-Carthy is the most numerous Mac name in Ireland.
(O) Kerlin, Kirlin Variants of Carolan found in Donegal and Derry
2 The Surnames of Ireland sixth edition Edward MacLysaght ISBN 0-7165-2364-7